Space Police 2 served as the intergalactic reinforcements for the Ice Planet researchers and would often lend a hand in defeating the devious Spyrius Agents. The 3 themes complemented each other well and hark back to the days of Lego's own in-universe sets, one theme leading nicely into the next. Long before the bulk of the Lego sets featured film or TV based franchises.
I don't have many Space Police sets so far, so this page will be a little light on content for the time being. However I do aim on adding original Space Police 1 sets into this collection by way of recolours.
1916: Starion Patrol
1969: Min Robot
3015: Space Police Car
6813: Galactic Chief
6852: Sonar Security
6897: Rebel Hunter
6957: Solar Snooper
6984: Galactic Mediator
Spyrius recolours
It's not just the Spyrius agents who steal tech, this repurposed Recon Robot helps defend the Ice Planet research teams. Or maybe this was a Space Police vehicle all along that the Spyrius agents stole the designs for.
Space Police 1 recolours