Converting the Ice Planet Series 26 CMF
In this guide, I'll aim to walk you through how I swapped out the printed visor on the new Ice Planet Series 26 minifig with their own Trans
Converting the Ice Planet Series 26 CMF
Lego exhibiting
No longer unidentified, this is a list...
I spy with my little eye
Whoop whoop its the sound of the [space] police
It's cold outside, There's no kind of atmosphere
The Table Top
Chameleons - Our first year
2021 - A years painting in review
Hallowed, or is it Harrowed by thy sculpting?
The Lost and the Damned
Warhammer Armies - The (British) Empire
The Green Space Marine
2020 - Reviewing what I've painted last year.
A Mordheim miniature collection
McFarlane Primaris Marines
Paradise Lost - An Adeptus Mechanicus expedition
When the worlds of mini-figures collide
Chevaliers de Imperator - A Primaris Space Marine Chapter
Mordheim Campaign, Game 3 & 4